Let Us Know What You Think?
We would like to here from you!
This is a newer blog in it's first year. We have 2 Blog spots as I also have two email accounts one personal and one professional. Now that we are picking up readership across 10+ countries, although not reflected in followers, I would like to write some articles exploring aspects you the reader are interested in. I also intend to broaden the scope of our recipe entries. Requests for certain kinds of meat entrees is not only welcome but encouraged. If I don't already have one of my own I will try some, test them, evaluate and add an entry with my final recipe. For those who are regular readers i'm sure you have tried one or two that we at Meeting Meat have posted. So, I think the trust is there and we could enjoy some highly satisfying work here. I will also shoot bits of these test kitchen processes for MCC our web show on Bitchute and Youtube.
This is a labor of love so with submissions we are not asking for donations and will take requests as they come. Initially, we intend a first come first serve procedure. If we in time become inundated with requests the team will choose based on our interest. We may not get to some or practically be able to respond to every request. I'm being upfront and this is my disclaimer. However, I sincerely plan to go hard to create content and respond to all. We shall see! In return, if you do make a request you can help us by following the blog and/or our many other platforms (video and text) Liking content, and most importantly commenting below. If you do feel you would like to donate you can through our ButcherBear Channel on Bitchute.
Like our content and wanna join forces?
If you would like to make a recipe submission of your own we will happily accept and post with you full credits. We reserve the right not to post submissions for any reason. I will test each one and determine ease of direction. If I find the directions would likely confuse beginner cooks I will edit and send a copy to you for your secondary approval before publishing. Now, I am not making money so you will be submitting without compensation from Meeting Meat. I will however include links for your businesses or other entities with your recipe. If you want to become a returning contributor we can work out barter with promotion for content.
Meat Loving Musician?
Our internet video channels also promote musicians on a program we call The "Pit". Generally we focus on Newark/NYC area artists but not exclusively. Contact the our email in the group of links below. Content includes music videos we produce, submitted videos from your bands channels (you will get those clicks), aired live performances, promos, interviews, and highlighted artist months that include a Documentary along with an airing of several S&M produced videos. To be highlighted you supply music, and photos/video and we tape video and interviews as well as contact artists and collaborators in your scene for additional content. We do not air the documentary until your final approval. You receive the free promotion and we share use of the content.
Our links to the our internet network of content and submission email below:
Hope to Hear from you Soon!
Butcher Bear
Phillip Szabo aka Szabo the Butcher